This years convocation at Howard University was nothing less than a very entertaining and mind-blowing presentation. During this years speech, we had the honor of listening to world renounced surgeon Benjamin Carson. Dr. Carson has been known to perform extraordinary work with various surgery procedures and his over 60 degrees proves it all. One of his greatest accomplishments has been the successful separation of conjoined twins. Throughout the course of his speech, Dr. Carson spoke to the crowd, of over 1500 people, about the various procedures he has performed and the knowledge he gained from each experience. Hearing about how he separated two twins, conjoined at the head, was by far my favorite story that he told. It was almost like you were there with him performing the story and you couldn't help but sense a feeling of satisfaction and excitement to hear that the twins survived and are alive and kicking to this very day. I personally am not a huge fan of public specking because usually the speech becomes lengthy and boring halfway through the presentation. However, when Dr. Carson spoke, he was able to hold my complete attention the entire time. Not once did i ever have to start playing with my phone or talk to the people around me to keep be entertained. Dr. Carson, in my opinion, is a great man that can serve as the perfect role model for any African American. His accomplishments and his experiences are ones that almost anyone should strive to achieve. After being at convocation, I gained a new appreciation for a man i had never even heard of and I am most definitely going to be at the next one.
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